
Effects of Slope and Altitude on the Precipitation During the Flood Season in Beijiang River Basins of Guangdong Province

  • 摘要: 利用1956—2000年广东省北江流域40个水文站逐月降水量资料,统计北江流域汛期降水量与山地坡向及海拔高度的关系特征。利用地理加权回归 (GWR) 方法消除站点空间位置不同带来的宏观地理因子影响后,进行多年平均汛期降水量随海拔高度变化的相关分析,根据其点聚程度分区,研究降水量随海拔高度的变化规律。结果表明:广东省北江流域汛期降水量总体上呈纬向空间分布,由南至北逐渐减少,其中多雨区位于北江流域的东南部;在流域中部的英德至流域南部的清远之间的干流附近存在稳定的多雨中心。4个子区域最大降水量高度不同,由南至北分别为77.3 m,408.4 m,353.6 m和376.9 m,相对应的最大降水量分别为1566.2 mm,1467.4 mm,1295.9 mm和1151.5 mm。广东省北江流域汛期降水量变差系数由西南至东北依次增大,说明降水量的年际变化呈北大南小的空间分布规律。


    Abstract: To study the spatial differentiation phenomena of precipitation in composite-mountain system, the relationship between the mountain slope, altitude and the precipitation of Beijiang River Basins during the flood season is analyzed with the method of multi-factor separation, using monthly precipitation data from 1959 to 2000 collected from 40 hydrologic stations. In order to eliminate effects of macro geographical factors, the data heterogeneity caused by different locations of hydrologic stations is resolved by using the geographically weighted regressing (GWR) method. The correlation diagram of the multi-year mean precipitation and the altitude is constructed according to the evaluation from GWR, and it is divided into four sub-areas based on the point scattering. On the basis of the division, the correlation between the precipitation change and altitude is researched. According to the changing rate of precipitation with the altitude, Beijiang River Basins are partitioned, and effects of warm air through the upstream and downstream on precipitation change with altitude are studied.The result shows that the distribution of the multi-year mean precipitation during the flood season in Beijiang River Basins is perpendicular to parallel and it decreases from the south to the north. The rainy area is in the southeast of the basin and the mainstream from Yingde to Qingyuan is a stable rainy center. With the change of altitude, precipitation curve shape of the composite-mountain system can be summarized as the parabolic type. The variation of precipitation with the change of altitude in composite-mountain system is related to the precipitation interception effect of warm air through the upstream and downstream of the ridge. Varying characteristics of the average precipitation during the flood season in Beijiang River Basins demonstrate the obvious regional differentiation, it can be divided into four sub-regions, and there are different maximal precipitation in different sub-areas. From the south to the north, altitudes are 77.3 m, 408.4 m, 353.6 m, 376.9 m and the maximum precipitation are 1566.2 mm, 1467.5 mm, 1295.9 mm, 1151.5 mm, respectively. The precipitation during the flood season in Beijiang River Basins gradually increases from south to north, which means that the annual variation of precipitation presents spatial distribution regularities, bigger in north and smaller in south. This is associated with interception effect of mountains to the airflow and warm air strength. When the warm air is stronger, the interception effect on airflow upstream mountain water is relatively small. When the warm air flow is weak, the interception effect of upstream mountains is relatively strong.


