
In-orbit Performance Analysis on Monitoring Typhoon with FY-3B/MWHS

  • 摘要: 2010年11月5日发射的风云三号B星 (FY-3B) 是我国第2代极轨气象卫星的第2颗星。其上装载的微波湿度计 (MWHS) 在183 GHz水汽吸收线设计了3个大气探测通道,在大气窗区150 GHz设置了双极化通道。该文主要对FY-3B微波湿度计系统进行介绍,分析其在轨5年的性能,对仪器在轨关键性能参数进行了长时间序列分析,结果表明:仪器各通道灵敏度均优于0.4 K,其中通道1,2,4,5的灵敏度优于0.3 K,定标精度稳定在0.3~0.55 K,未出现恶化现象, 同类型在轨载荷星下点处匹配数据交叉比对,相关系数优于96%。分析表明,该仪器在轨性能和数据质量均优于FY-3A微波湿度计。同时,利用微波湿度计实测数据,着重分析2015年6—7月若干台风的生成、演化、增强和消亡的整个过程,并对台风区域强降雨监测进行分析。


    Abstract: Fengyun 3B meteorological satellite (FY-3B) is the second generation polar-orbiting meteorological satellite, which is launched on 5 Nov 2010. Microwave humidity sounder (MWHS) is one important sensor onboard FY-3B and begins to work since 11 Nov 2011. MWHS is a five-channel total power microwave radiometer, which has 3 channels operating at 183 GHz and two dual-polarized channels working at 150 GHz (window frequencies).For channels of 150 GHz and 183.31 GHz, the angle resolution is 1.1°, making the resolution 15 km at nadir pixel. One motor drives two separated reflectors for 5 channels, and the scanning period is 2.667 s. Main beams of the antenna scan over the observing swath (±53.35° from nadir, 2600 km) at a constant periodicity of 1.71 s. During each period, two-point calibration is performed to calibrate the receiver gain and noise.A quantitative evaluation on the stability of the MWHS post-launch performance is carried out, which indicates the MWHS onboard FY-3B is improved comparing with that on FY-3A. Case assessment shows the MWHS can provide typhoon information, including the procedure of generating, developing and weakening as well as the rainfall caused by typhoon. During typhoon Linfa, Chan-hom and Nangka in 2015, high quality data are achieved, and the typhoon eye areas are clearly monitored with the aid of FY-3B MWHS.For precipitation, the scattering at frequencies around 150 GHz (dual-polarized) and 183 GHz result in significant brightness temperature depressions. According to the distributions of brightness temperature differences of channel 1 minus channel 5, channel 1 minus channel 2, and channel 3 minus channel 5, the precipitation and rain detection can be derived using neural network method. These quantitative assessment may provide reference for application of MWHS observations.


