Global warming hiatus phenomenon has been a hot topic of climate research and public concern in recent years. To analyze the climate change during different periods and the trend of extreme climate events, monthly mean land-surface air temperature, daily land-surface air maximum temperature, daily precipitation and mean maximum wind speed of tropical cyclones landed in China are examined. Results reveal that taking the years of 1961-1990 as reference period, the global decade mean land-surface air temperature anomalies are-0.052℃ for 1961-1970, -0.066℃ for 1971-1980, 0.116℃ for 1981-1990, 0.274℃ for 1991-2000, 0.49℃ for 2001-2010 and 0.541℃ for 2011-2015, in which obvious increasing trend can be easily found. And the years of 2011-2015 are the warmest five years for global and Asia since mid-to-late 19th Century. Under the background of climate change, the average high temperature days and heavy rain days increase by 28.4% and 8.2% in China over the last 55 years. Frequencies of extreme climate events increases obviously, leading to increasing climate risks and significant changes of climate capacity. In order to ensure the climate safety, strategies are list as follows: Strengthening the scientific research, and improving the understanding of public and decision maker on climate change, climate safety and climate risk; according to the national and local conditions, taking appropriate adaptation actions, strengthening disaster risk management, to reduce the adverse effects that have occurred and will occur; taking measures to control greenhouse gas emissions against long-term climate risk.At present, the research on climate risk of our country needs more attention, and the public's climate security awareness still needs strengthening. Participating in the Global Framework of Climate Service (GFCS) and Future Earth (FE) operations should be made a priority to improve the scientific understanding and strengthen disaster risk management. More steps should be taken to actively adapt climate change, accelerate the adjustment of economic structure focused on green-low-carbon, and finally effectively reduce climate risks and ensure climate safety.