
Methods of Aircraft-based Precipitation Enhancement Operation for Convective-stratiform Mixed Clouds in Autumn in Hunan Province

  • 摘要: 统计分析2007—2016年秋季湖南省长沙市地面气象观测资料、湖南省飞机人工增雨作业资料, 得到湖南省秋季积层混合云系的降水分布情况、一般结构特征和相应的飞机增雨作业方法。使用多普勒天气雷达、GRAPES_CAMS数值模式和中小尺度气象站网等资料对典型作业天气过程进行云降水物理和数值模拟分析, 采用成对对流云和基于TREC算法的回波跟踪等方法进行作业效果评估。归纳得到湖南省秋季积层混合云系人工增雨作业条件判别的12个宏微观指标, 探讨在使用运7飞机、碘化银烟条作业装备条件下, 开展飞机增雨作业的最佳催化时机、部位和剂量。针对积层混合云系中的降水性层状云系、积云对流泡, 飞机增雨适宜作业的区域、播撒高度和催化剂量:在过冷高层云的-15~-5℃层, 播撒达到30 L-1的人工冰晶浓度; 在过冷积云的-15~-7℃层, 静力催化使冰晶浓度达到30 L-1或动力催化达到100 L-1。这些方法在实践中取得了较好的人工增雨作业效果。


    Abstract: Based on ground meteorological observations at Changsha of Hunan, and the aircraft artificial precipitation enhancement operation data in autumn of recent 10 years in Hunan, some statistical analysis results on the convective-stratiform mixed clouds systems are obtained, including the distribution of precipitation, structure characteristics and the seeding method of aircraft artificial precipitation enhancement operation.Physical characteristics of typical operation weather processes are analyzed by using Doppler radar data, the numerical model GRAPES_CAMS, and meso-scale meteorological data.Paired convective clouds and the echo tracking method based on TREC algorithm are used for effect evaluation.12 macro and micro parameters are picked out as indicators of artificial precipitation enhancement operation with convective-stratiform mixed clouds, including precipitation weather situation, the main cloud system, cloud-top height, cloud-top temperature, cloud thickness, seeding layer height, seeding layer temperature, seeding layer relative humidity, radar echo intensity, vertically integrated liquid, supercooled water content, rainfall situation and so on.The best seeding time, position and catalyst amount of the artificial precipitation enhancement operation using Yun-7 aircraft and AgI catalyst are discussed.For convective-stratiform mixed clouds including precipitus stratiform clouds and cumulus clouds, the most suitable area, seeding height and catalyst dosage of the operation are summarized.In supercooled -15 to -5℃ layer of altostratus cloud, seeding catalyst could make the artificial ice crystal concentration reach 30 L-1; in supercooled -15 to -7℃ layer of cumulus cloud, static seeding catalyst makes the concentration 30 L-1 while dynamic seeding catalyst makes it 100 L-1.These operation methods achieves good results in the practice of artificial precipitation enhancement.Among more than 40 times aircraft precipitation enhancement operation practice in recent 8 years, cold cloud catalyst seeding in precipitus stratiform clouds in convective-stratiform mixed clouds system usually leads to light rain (1-10 mm); cold cloud catalyst seeding in cumulus clouds in convective-stratiform mixed clouds system usually lead to small to moderate rain (5-17 mm); another 4 operations of warm cloud catalyst seeding in relatively stable stratiform warm clouds maintaining more than 12 h only bring slight enhancement of precipitation (0.1 mm).In the future, airborne meteorological equipment should be developed for cloud physics detection, especially for the detection and study of cumulus.Based on improved performance indicators of cumulus seeding, the cloud physics concept model of cumulus cloud artificial precipitation in southern China can be gradually established.


