
Performance Tests and Outdoor Comparison Observations of Domestic Remade ECC Ozonesondes

  • 摘要: 该文介绍了中国科学院大气物理研究所(简称IAP)研制的电化学浓度电池(ECC)型臭氧(O3)探空仪基本性能测试和2013年上半年室外比对观测结果。结果表明:ECC的背景电流(Ibg)在0.1 μA以下或更低;测量O3的响应时间为21~26 s;NO2(SO2)使O3测值偏高(低);抽气泵低压泵效系数(Cef)在100 hPa高度以下为1.0左右,在该高度以上上升,10 hPa达到1.17±0.10,5 hPa达到1.28±0.16,性能略低于同类进口产品(1.055以下)。国产和进口仪器在气象探空或抽气泵等部件上具有良好兼容性;两者所测O3垂直分布廓线总体一致。IAP O3探空仪O3总量与Brewer光谱仪测值比值为0.9~1.1;Cef和Ibg订正有效降低了IAP O3探空仪在平流层低层与进口仪器测值的差别,这一订正对O3柱浓度在平流层和对流层的贡献分别为约15 DU和4~6 DU;在对流层,IAP O3探空仪测值与进口仪器间的绝对差别稳定且低于0.5 mPa;而平流层受泵效影响较明显。因此,建议IAP O3探空仪提高其Cef的稳定性,参与国际比对测试,国产气象探空平台数据接收处理增加必要的滤波技术以降低平流层探测数据(包括O3)的振荡。


    Abstract: The electrochemical concentration cell (ECC) type ozone sonde, developed by Institute of Atmospheric Physics(IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) is tested through indoor basic examinations and outdoor flying comparison observations with imported ECC ozonesondes. Indoor tests for IAP ozone sonde include the sonde background current (Ibg), the response time and the influences of SO2 and NO2 on ozone measurements, and the low pressure pump efficiency (Cef). Results show that Ibg is less than 0.1 μA and it decreases with the growth of altitude. The response time is 21-26 s. Ozone concentration is much underestimated/overestimated as SO2/NO2 gas is input to the ozone sonde. Cef is about 1.0 as the atmospheric pressure is more than 100 hPa while it rises with the decrease of atmospheric pressure, reaching 1.17 ±0.10-1.28 ±0.16 as the pressure is 10 to 5 hPa. Cef of IAP ozonesonde is higher than that of imported products with the value of about 1.055. Outdoor comparison observation shows that IAP and imported ozonesonde have good compatibility in the radiosonde platform and sampling pumps. The ozone vertical profiles from each sonde show generally consistent with each other. The ratio of total ozone measured by IAP ozonesonde to that from Brewer observations is 0.9-1.1. Ozone concentration difference is effectively reduced in the lower stratosphere when Cef and Ibg of IAP ozonesonde is used. Applications of Cef and Ibg of IAP ozonesonde contributed to 15 DU and 4-6 DU column ozone. The mean absolute difference of tropospheric ozone partial pressure are stable and its values are less than 0.5 mPa, and the stratospheric difference doesn't exceed 1.0 mPa, although the impact from the pump on IAP ozonesonde is obvious. An international low-pressure environment simulation cabin comparison test is necessary for IAP ozonesonde. The stability of Cef of this radiosonde system should be improved, and it suggests that filtering algorism should be added to data depressing (including meteorology and ozone processing) to decrease data oscillations.


