
Review on Disaster of Hot Dry Wind for Wheat in China

  • 摘要: 小麦干热风灾害是危害我国北方麦区的主要农业气象灾害之一。基于已有研究成果和实际灾情,从干热风的概念、分类及研究方法出发,对小麦干热风灾害的危害机理、气象环境成因、致灾指标、时空分布、监测预报及防御措施等方面进行了系统归纳阐述,并对未来小麦干热风灾害研究方向进行展望。我国小麦干热风灾害主要分为高温低湿型、雨后青枯型及旱风型3种,形成的气象环境成因主要受干热风天气系统、气候变暖、土壤墒情的影响,致灾指标主要分为形态学、气象学、综合指数指标。小麦干热风灾害的危害总体呈东西两边重、中间轻的分布格局,主要发生在黄淮海平原、河西走廊和新疆3个地区。气候变暖背景下,大部分地区的干热风年日数在20世纪80—90年代出现突变,近30年呈明显加重扩大趋势。基于土壤墒情影响的小麦干热风灾害等级指标构建、小麦干热风过程的灾害监测预警方法、气候变化背景下小麦干热风灾害时空分布新变化及其气象环境成因等是今后研究的重点方向。


    Abstract: Hot dry wind (HDW) is one of the major agro-meteorological disasters which impact wheat production in North China. From the aspect of its definition, classification and research methods, recent progress are reviewed on its influencing mechanism, meteorological environmental causes, disaster index, spatial-temporal distribution, monitoring and forecasting measures, defensive and mitigation ways, and the future research direction is discussed. In China, HDW can be classified as three major kinds, including high temperature with low humidity, green-dry after rain, and dry wind. HDW can intensify transpiration, damage flag leaf, weaken root activity, shorten growth duration, and decrease accumulated dry matter, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate. Meteorological environment of HDW is mainly determined by dry hot-air weather system, influenced by climate warming and soil moisture. Disaster index of HDW can be divided into three kinds:Morphological, synoptic, and comprehensive index. The damage of HDW to wheat is heavy in both east and west parts while light in the central part of China. HDW mainly occurs in three areas, including the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Hexi Corridor and Xinjiang. The damage decreases with elevation of altitude, and generally it has no impact in areas higher than 1700-1800 meters. One month before harvest is the main occurrence period of HDW. It starts from early May in China, and postpones to mid-late July from south to north and from southeast to northwest. For winter wheat, the disaster date is earlier than spring wheat. Presently, major monitoring and forecasting methods include ground meteorological monitoring, remote sensing monitoring, classification and forecast based on weather prediction, statistic forecast, and numerical prediction products. Temporal and spatial pattern of HDW in China is obviously affected by the change of wheat plantation layout, climate, irrigation and field management. Under historical climate warming condition, HDW days in most regions have a sudden change in the 1980s and 1990s. During the recent 30 years, HDW days and the degree of influence have increased obviously. Improvement of irrigation conditions obviously relieves its occurrence and influence. Future research directions include incorporating soil moisture into the existing HDW hazard grade index, researching and developing process-based disaster monitor and assessments, prediction and early warning methods, model simulations and business application technologies, investigating the change of spatial and temporal distribution of HDW and the formation of its meteorological environment under future climate change and wheat planting layout change.


