
The Design and Implementation of China Agricultural Meteorological Service System(CAgMSS)

  • 摘要: 中国农业气象业务系统(CAgMSS)是基于C/S架构,研发的面向国家级和省级农业气象服务的业务工作平台,主要包括农业气象监测评价、作物产量预报、灾害监测评估、农用天气预报等子系统,是农业气象业务的基础性软件。系统融合现代信息技术和农业气象业务技术,实现了全部子系统数据管理、模型运算、产品制作等业务流程的一体化。系统采用大型关系型数据库规范了农业气象各类业务数据,基于插件技术集成各项业务功能,实现多元数据、多指标、多模型在农业气象监测、评价、预报等领域的综合应用,提高了农业气象产品的定量化、精细化、客观化水平。系统于2012年投入业务应用,基于该系统制作的农业气象情报、作物产量气象预报、农业气象灾害影响评估、关键农时农事气象保障等服务产品,在指导全国农业生产和防灾减灾中发挥了重要作用,明显提高了农业气象业务能力和业务工作效率。


    Abstract: CAgMSS is an agrometeorological operational service system for users in national and provincial level operational units in China. It fully covers the monitoring, assessment and prediction of agrometeorological operational service, packing 10 main functions such as agrometeorological data analyzing, product processing, meteorological condition assessment, crop yield forecast, disaster degree assessment, agricultural pest meteorological condition prediction, agricultural weather forecast, ecological meteorological assessment, agricultural remote sensing, and crop model simulation. Modern information technologies are applied to realize the whole process such as data collection and management, professional model operation, products processing and distribution. The system realizes normalized management and high efficiency analysis of agrometeorological data based on large-scale relational database technology. It's also highly integrated based on plugin technology and can be used for spatial analysis and high quality rendering of agrometeorological data and product. The system integrates agrometeorological statistics, remote sensing and crop model technology, realizing comprehensive application of multiple data, multiple indicators, and multiple models in crop growth condition assessment. Crop yield meteorological forecast, agrometeorological disaster monitoring and agricultural weather forecast can also be done with high level of quantification, refinement and objectification.CAgMSS has been in use since 2012, and obviously improves the efficiency of agrometeorological operational service work, providing important support for refined and automation of agrometeorological product. Based on the system, a batch of high quality products such as agrometeorological condition assessment, crop yield forecast, foreign agrometeorological condition monitoring, key crop phenology and agricultural activity period meteorological service, agrometeorological disaster assessment are produced and provide important references for guiding the agriculture production and meteorological disaster prevention and reduction. The system is also applied to winter wheat in 14 provinces in 2012. By the year of 2018, some subsystems such as drought monitoring, crop yield forecast and crop model are used in 31 provincial meteorological bureaus.


