
Relationship Between Current Characteristics of Rocket-triggered Lightning During Different Discharge Stages

  • 摘要: 分析了2019年夏季在广州从化人工引雷试验场获取的14次人工触发闪电通道底部电流数据,以有无回击(RS)和初始连续电流(ICC)持续时间长短2个标准对数据进行分类,研究不同触发闪电和不同放电阶段的差异和规律。研究表明:相比无回击的触发闪电,产生回击的触发闪电具有更大的先驱放电脉冲(PCP)及初始先驱放电脉冲(IPCP)的平均峰值电流、更多的IPCP总体转移电荷量、更大的ICC平均电流和总体转移电荷量以及更长的ICC持续时间;初始连续电流持续时间是回击平均峰值电流大小、首次继后回击转移电荷量大小和首次继后回击峰值电流大小的重要影响因素,且长初始连续电流的触发闪电对应的PCP及IPCP平均峰值电流也更大、平均转移电荷量也更多;PCP和IPCP平均峰值电流与ICC持续时间相关性最强,是决定ICC放电持续时间的重要因素,未能产生初始连续电流的PCP脉冲簇其平均转移电荷量小于初始先驱放电脉冲簇,其转化的关键阈值之一是平均转移电荷量大于25.91 μC。


    Abstract: The research on rocket-triggered lightning has made great progress since 1967. Various parts of rocket-triggered lightning are studied, but differences between initial stages of different types of rocket-triggered lightning and the relevance on each part of rocket-triggered lightning is still not well understood. Based on the rocket-triggered lightning current data obtained from Guangdong Comprehensive Observation Experiment on Lightning Discharge in Field Experiment Base on Lightning Sciences, China Meteorological Administration, two types of rocket-triggered lightning are classified considering the existence of return storke(RS)and the length of the initial continuous current(ICC). Differences of rocket-triggered lightning in different categories and the correlation between various parts are analyzed. Firstly, the difference between the rocket-triggered lightning with return strokes and the rocket-triggered lightning without return strokes is obvious. The precursor current pulse(PCP)and initial precursor current pulse(IPCP)average peak current, IPCP transfer charge, ICC average current and total transfer charge and duration of lightning with RSs are greater than those of lightning without RSs. Secondly, longer ICC duration corresponds to higher average peak current, first return charge and first RS peak current, PCP and IPCP peak current, PCP and IPCP average transfer charge of triggered lightning. It is also found that the average peak value of PCP and IPCP has the strongest correlation with ICC duration. The larger the average peak value of PCP and IPCP is, the longer the ICC duration is. It's also found that during the ascent of the rocket, the transfer charge of PCP tends to increase as the altitude of the rocket increases. There are some PCP pulse clusters that cannot produce a continuous upward leader (UPL), and it fails to produce an ICC. The average transfer charge of the PCP cluster is smaller than the average transfer charge of the initial precursor current pulse cluster (IPCP). According to the analysis of data, one of the conditions for the PCP cluster that fails to generate ICC to become IPCP is that the average transfer charge is greater than 25.91 μC.


