
Effects of Improving Evapotranspiration Parameterization Scheme on WOFOST Model Performance in Simulating Maize Drought Stress Process

  • 摘要: 分别利用优化蒸散计算(PM方案)、作物系数(CC方案)和二者同时优化(PMCC方案)改进WOFOST模型,基于降水适宜年(2012年)和干旱年(2015年和2018年)在辽宁省锦州开展的玉米分期(4月20日、4月30日和5月10日)播种试验资料评价模型改进效果。结果表明:2012年,PM方案可增大潜在蒸散,CC方案在作物系数小(大)于1时使潜在蒸散减小(增大);3个方案对叶面积指数、地上生物量和土壤湿度模拟几乎不产生影响。2015年,PM方案的拔节后叶面积指数、地上生物量、产量和土壤湿度较原模型明显减小,蒸腾速率在喇叭口期之前增大,之后减小;CC方案在喇叭口期之前蒸腾速率小于原模型,之后大于原模型,其他4个变量略大于原模型。PMCC方案的各变量模拟值介于PM方案和CC方案之间,3个播期模拟精度叶面积指数分别提高6%,21%和3%,地上生物量分别提高8%,8%和14%,产量分别提高66%,63%和66%。2018年,PMCC方案前两播期地上生物量模拟精度分别提高5%和1%,产量模拟精度分别提高32%和5%。PMCC方案可改善模型在干旱条件下的模型性能。


    Abstract: To solve the problem on poor performance of crop growth model in simulating crop growth process under water stress, three schemes including improving evapotranspiration parameterization scheme with Penman-Monteith method, building dynamic crop coefficient (Kc) and considering simultaneously two above-mentioned solutions which are respectively named as the PM, CC and PMCC schemes are used to improve WOFOST model. Their effects on model performance in simulating maize drought stress process are evaluated based on experiments of different sowing dates on 20 April, 30 April and 10 May conducted in Jinzhou in the year with normal precipitation (2012) and the dry year (2015 and 2018). The results show that compared with the default model, PM scheme plays a role in increasing potential evapotranspiration and transpiration rate in 2012, while CC scheme decreases (increases) transpiration rate as Kc is larger (smaller) than the model default value 1, respectively. Three schemes hardly affect simulation accuracies of soil moisture in rooted zone, total above ground production, leaf area index (ILA) and yield. In 2015, PM scheme makes ILA, total above ground production yield and soil moisture dramatically smaller than those with the default model after the jointing stage of maize. It also increases (decreases) transpiration rate before (after) the whorl stage of maize. After improving the model with CC scheme, ILA, total above ground production, yield and soil moisture are slightly larger than those simulated by the default model after the whorl stage, and the simulated transpiration rates are smaller (larger) than those simulated by the default model before (after) the whorl stage of maize. Nevertheless, the above-mentioned variables simulated by the improved model with PMCC scheme range between those simulated by the model with PM and CC schemes, and ILA, total above ground production and yield are obviously closer to the observations. Specifically, the mean increments of simulation accuracies for all growth periods in three sowing dates are 6%, 21% and 3% for ILA and 8%, 8% and 14% for total above ground production, respectively. The simulation accuracies of yield for three sowing dates increase by 66%, 63% and 66%, respectively. In 2018, the simulation accuracies of total above ground production and yield for the sowing dates on 20 April and 30 April are obviously improved by PMCC scheme, and increase by 5%, 1% in total above ground production as well as 32%, 5% in yield. Therefore, the model performance with PMCC scheme in simulating maize growth is significantly improved under water stress.


