
Characteristics of Convection-triggering Drylines in the Drainage Area of Huanghe and Huaihe Rivers

  • 摘要: 利用高空和地面观测、欧洲中期预报中心再分析资料(ERA5)以及卫星云图,统计2010—2019年4—9月我国黄淮地区触发对流天气的干线特征。结果表明:干线主要出现在山东德州附近和豫北周边地区,多呈准西北—东南向和准东北—西南向;长度集中在100~200 km,宽度在50~100 km;多出现在14:00(北京时,下同)或17:00;多发生在高空冷涡形势下,低层多有切变线(或辐合线)配合,地面多位于入海高压后部。地面气象要素统计显示:干线干侧温度较湿侧偏高1.9 ℃,湿侧露点温度较干侧偏高6.8 ℃,干线两侧温度梯度为-2.7 ℃·(100 km)-1,露点温度梯度为10.1 ℃·(100 km)-1,比湿梯度为5.9 g·kg-1·(100 km)-1。探空参数统计结果表明:干线湿侧大气可降水量略高于干侧,925 hPa,850 hPa和700 hPa湿侧比湿均大于干侧;对流有效位能湿侧平均值远大于干侧;干线两侧700 hPa,850 hPa与500 hPa温度差非常接近,即黄淮地区干线两侧对流有效位能的显著差异主要由干线两侧低层水汽条件差异造成,干线两侧条件不稳定度大致相当。


    Abstract: Based on the surface and sounding datasets, ERA5 reanalysis data from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the satellite images, the characteristics of convection-triggering drylines in the drainage area of Huanghe and Huaihe Rivers of China from April to September during 2010-2019 are analyzed. The result shows that the drylines mainly appear at Dezhou of Shandong, and surroundings in the north of Henan. Most of them are distributed in the quasi northwest-southeast and northeast-southwest direction, with the length of 100-200 km and the width of 50-100 km, and they generally occur at 1400 BT or 1700 BT during the daytime. The drylines mostly occur under the 500 hPa cold vortex located in Northeast China and North China, with convergence lines (or shear lines) on 700 hPa and 850 hPa weather chart, and within the low pressure behind the coastal high on the surface chart. The statistics of the surface elements shows that the temperature on the dry side is 1.9 ℃ higher than that on the wet side, while the dew point temperature on the wet side is 6.8 ℃ higher than that on dry side. The gradient of temperature, dew point temperature and specific humidity on both sides of drylines are -2.7 ℃·(100 km)-1, 10.1 ℃·(100 km)-1 and 5.9 g·kg-1·(100 km)-1, respectively. According to the statistics of sounding environment parameters, precipitable water in the wet side is higher than that on the dry side. The specific humidity on the wet side is higher than that on the dry side at 925 hPa, 850 hPa and 700 hPa. The mean convective available potential energy on the wet side is much larger than that on the dry side. The temperature differences are very small on both sides of the drylines at 850 hPa and 500 hPa, 700 hPa and 500 hPa. The significant difference on both sides of the dry side in convective available potential energy is mainly caused by the difference in water condition of the lower layers in the drainage area of Huanghe and Huaihe Rivers of China. The hydrostatic instability (conditional instability) on both sides of the drylines is similar. Also, the vertical wind shear of 0-6 km is a little bit stronger on wet side than that on the dry side.


