
Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution at Anxi of Fujian

  • 摘要: 雨滴谱观测对理解云-降水物理过程和提高雷达降水估测等有重要意义,利用福建安溪2017—2020年雨滴谱资料,研究不同季节和不同类型的雨滴谱特征和差异,提出该地区降水的雷达反射率因子与降水强度(Z-R)关系和形状参数与斜率参数(μ -Λ)关系,并与国内其他典型地区进行对比。结果表明:福建安溪雨滴谱季节差异明显,整体上夏季雨滴粒径最大、总数浓度最高,冬季粒径最小,春季总数浓度最低; 随粒径增大,四季雨滴数浓度季节变化与台湾省桃园市相似,但小雨滴数浓度存在差异。与华东和华北地区相比,福建安溪夏季层状云小雨滴数浓度更高,中大雨滴数浓度则与华东地区较为一致; 夏季对流云小雨滴数浓度与华北地区接近,中雨滴数浓度则与华东地区接近,大雨滴数浓度则介于两个地区之间。夏季福建安溪层状云和对流云降水的Z-R关系与台湾省桃园市得到的结果较为吻合; 斜率参数Λ大于2.5 mm-1时,福建安溪的形状参数μ值与美国佛罗里达地区的结果十分相近。


    Abstract: Observation of raindrop size distribution (DSD) is significant for the understanding of precipitation physical processes and improvement of radar quantitative rainfall estimation. Based on DSD measurements from 2017 to 2020 collected in Anxi, Fujian Province, the DSD variation characteristics in different seasons and different rain types are analyzed. Subsequently, local empirical relation between radar reflectivity Z and rain rate R and that between Gamma shape parameter μ and slope parameter Λ are proposed. The DSDs observed in the local area are compared with counterparts obtained in other typical areas of China. The results show that DSDs in Anxi exhibit apparent seasonal variation. Generally, raindrops in summer can be the largest with the highest number concentration, while raindrops are the smallest in winter and the number concentration in spring is the lowest. With the increase of particle size, the seasonal variation of the number concentration of raindrops is similar to that in Taoyuan, Taiwan Province, China, while the number concentration of small raindrops is different. Compared with East China and North China, DSDs for summer stratiform precipitation in Anxi have higher concentration of small raindrops, while the concentrations of medium to large raindrops are similar to those in East China. For convective precipitation, the DSDs concentration is similar to that in North China for small raindrops while similar number concentration of medium raindrops to that in East China, while the number concentration of large raindrops is between that obtained in East China and North China. The Z-R relationship of summer stratiform precipitation is in good correspondence with the results obtained in Taoyuan. With the same Z, the R in East China is slightly larger than that in Anxi and Taoyuan; the Z-R relationship for convective precipitation in Anxi is also close to that in Taoyuan. When Z is not greater than 40 dBZ, the Z-R relationship in East China is very close to that in Anxi; when Z exceeds 40 dBZ, R in East China is significantly larger than that in Anxi and Taoyuan. When the slope parameter is larger than 2.5 mm-1, the relationship between the shape parameter μ and slope parameter Λ of the summer Gamma spectrum in Anxi is similar to that in Florida.


