
Comparative Analysis on Meteorological and Hydrological Rain Gauge Observations of the Extreme Heavy Rainfall Event in Henan Province During July 2021

  • 摘要: 2021年“21·7”河南特大暴雨打破我国大陆小时气象观测纪录,该极端天气事件位列2021年中国十大天气气候事件第2位。已有研究使用气象地面站雨量观测资料对此次过程进行雨情分析和极值统计,但降水时空分布不均匀,单一来源资料存在不确定性。通过对比气象站和水文站雨量资料,分析两套业务观测系统记录“21·7”河南特大暴雨过程的异同,发现气象站和水文站雨量在时间和空间分布上具有很好的一致性,两者不同等级的累积降雨落区、逐日和逐时降雨演变趋势均一致性强,但累积雨量和雨强极值的空间分布和数值存在差异,两套资料在暴雨中心(过程雨量大于600 mm)的系统性偏差小于1%。气象站和水文站的融合资料呈现比单一资料更细致的降雨分布、更全面的演变特征。此外,基于融合资料发现累积雨量排名前3位的城市(郑州、鹤壁、新乡)均具有累积雨量大、小时雨强极强、强降雨集中、雨强突然增长的特征,鹤壁和新乡最强降雨时段分别比郑州晚26 h和28 h。


    Abstract: The extreme heavy rainfall event in Henan Province during 17-23 July 2021 with 1-hour rainfall intensity breaking historical record in the inland of China, ranks second among the top 10 weather and climate events in China in 2021. Previous studies have investigated the rain gauge observations collected by the meteorological ground stations to analyze the rainfall situation and count the extreme value of the "21·7" process. Considering the rainfall is uneven in space and time, the observations from a single source has great uncertainty which may miss the actual rainfall extreme value. By comparing the rainfall observations between meteorological and hydrological rain gauge stations, the objectivity and accuracy of the rainfall records from two business systems are analyzed for the "21·7" extreme heavy rainfall event. It is found that the observations exhibit good agreement in the accumulated rainfall distributions of various levels, and the temporal evolution of daily and hourly rainfall. However, the positions and values of accumulated rainfall and hourly rainfall intensity extremum are different in detail according to these two systems. The systematic deviation between the meteorological and hydrological observations is less than 1% in the heavy rainfall area (6-day accumulated rainfall more than 600 mm). These differences are related to the distinctness in the number, location, density of stations, and the accuracy of observation instruments. In addition, the inhomogeneous features of the rainfall in time and space also lead to the deviation of rainfall records between meteorological and hydrological observations.On the other hand, the meteorological and hydrological rainfall data in top 3 accumulated rainfall cities (Zhengzhou, Hebi and Xinxiang) are merged. The results show that merged rainfall data can present more detailed rainfall distributions and more objective rainfall evolution characteristics compared to single source data. Based on the merged rainfall data, the rainfall features in these three cities are summarized. The strongest rainfall period in Hebi and Xinxiang are about 26 hours and 28 hours later than that at Zhengzhou, respectively, while the rainfall events happened in these three cities are characterized by large accumulated amount, extremely strong hourly intensity, concentrated location and sudden increase of rainfall intensity.


