
Review on High Temperature Heat Damage of Maize in China

  • 摘要: 在气候变化背景下,中国玉米生产遭受的高温危害日益加剧。基于已有研究成果和实际灾情,从高温热害的概念及分类出发,对玉米高温热害的危害机理、气象成因、致灾指标、时空分布、防御对策等方面进行系统归纳阐述,并对未来玉米高温热害研究方向进行展望。中国玉米高温热害分为延迟型、障碍型、生长不良型和混合型4类,高温降低玉米花粉活力抑制散粉,缩短灌浆时间,导致玉米产量及品质降低。中国玉米种植区高温热害天气主要由环流异常引起,致灾指标包括生理生化指标及气象学指标等,但目前尚无统一标准。近10年中国玉米高温热害发生强度及频次增大,春玉米高温热害在北方玉米区的松辽平原、西南玉米区的东北部风险较高,夏玉米高温热害在河北省东南部、河南省大部以及山东省西部频发。采取适当的防御对策能减轻高温热害对玉米的不利影响。未来的研究应在综合动态的玉米高温热害指标体系、高温热害灾损模拟及风险评估与区划、高温热害精细化监测预警服务系统等方面重点突破。


    Abstract: As the climate warms, the threat of high temperature to China's maize production is increasing. Starting from the concept and classification of high temperature heat damage, the research progress is systematically summarized, expounding the hazard mechanism, meteorological causes, disaster causative indicators, spatial and temporal distribution and defense countermeasure of high temperature heat damage of maize, and the future research trend is also discussed. The high temperature heat damage of maize in China has a long duration, and its impacts can be divided into four categories:Delay, obstacle, poor growth and mixed. High temperature reduces the photosynthetic rate of maize, weakens pollen activity, inhibits the scattering of powder, shortens the filling time, and causes the yield and quality of maize to decrease. The high temperature and heat damage weather in maize growing areas is mainly caused by abnormal circulation and affected by the degree of atmospheric dryness. The meteorological causes, main types and occurrence periods of high temperature and heat damage are different in each dominant maize region. The disaster indicators include physiological and biochemical indicators and meteorological indicators, but there is no clear and unified standard for distinguishing high-temperature heat damage in maize at present. In the past 10 years, the intensity and frequency of heat damage of maize have increased. High temperature and heat damage of spring maize mostly occurs in flowering and pollination period, and the risk is higher in northeast Liaoning and southwest of Northeast China. High temperature heat damage of summer maize is more likely to occur after the jointing period, and is more frequent in southeastern Hebei Province, most of Henan Province and western Shandong Province. There are two methods to prevent the high-temperature heat damage of maize. The research on monitoring and early warning of high-temperature heat damage is still in its infancy, and the adverse effects of high-temperature heat damage on maize can be reduced by selecting appropriate field cultivation and management measures. The future research should focus on establishing a comprehensive dynamic maize high temperature heat damage index system, strengthening the simulation and risk assessment and further developing a refined monitoring and early warning service system.


