
Comparison of Atmospheric Temperature and Humidity Sounding by Different Sensors Onboard a New Composite Wing UAV

  • 摘要: 无人机为大气探测的重要平台, 为克服固定翼起飞降落条件要求高和旋翼机飞行航时短的问题, 中国科学院大气物理研究所中层大气和全球环境探测实验室自主研制了一款新型复合翼无人机。为检验其在近地面探测大气温湿度的能力, 于2020年7月28日—8月6日及2021年8月1—6日, 在内蒙古自治区正镶白旗无人机综合验证基地开展了两期无人机搭载不同传感器探测温湿度的比对试验。结果显示:机载自动站与GPS探空仪所测温度绝对偏差为2.00℃~2.35℃, 系统偏差可订正;两者所测相对湿度绝对偏差为4.28%;2021年搭载维萨拉温湿探头, 测量对比表明维萨拉温湿探头与GPS探空仪测量结果一致性较好, 机载自动站与两者差异较大。飞行探测试验表明:长航时复合翼无人机在近地面大气层探空方面机动性强, 与常规旋翼无人机相比, 可获取更大垂直与水平范围的气象要素信息。


    Abstract: Satellite navigation-based autonomous drones have become an important platform for atmospheric exploration. In order to overcome the harsh take-off and landing conditions of fixed-wing UAVs and the short flight time of rotorcraft, a new composite wing UAV with rotary and fixed-wing has been developed by Middle Atmosphere and Global Environment Exploration Laboratory of Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Two field experiments of UAV soundings are carried out in Zhengxiangbaiqi, Inner Mongolia from 28 July to 6 August in 2020 and from 1 August to 6 August in 2021 to examine the performance of sounding sensors onboard the new type of UAV. The instruments used and the experiments conducted in the two phases of the experiment are introduced first, and then the temperature and relative humidity profile data obtained by different sensors onboard the UAV are compared and analyzed. The results show that the temperature bias between the AWS and the GPS radiosonde onboard UAV is about 2.00 to 2.35℃; the systematic deviation can be revised, and the correlation coefficient is 0.98. The deviation of relative humidity is 4.28% and the correlation coefficient is 0.84 in 2020. The Vaisala temperature and humidity probe are onboard the UAV in the experiment of 2021, which are in good agreement with GPS radiosonde, but the AWS is vastly different from both. The flight sounding test shows that the long-endurance composite wing UAV with rotary and fixed-wing can obtain meteorological information in the near-surface atmosphere because of its larger vertical and horizontal range than the conventional rotary-wing UAV. The AWS onboard new composite wing UAV can obtain temperature and humidity profile information of the near-surface atmosphere, but the time lag effect caused by fast descent speed is obvious. Therefore, the sensor with obvious time lag effect is not suitable for the sounding of faster flight speed. The flight attitude change and turn of the UAV in the level flight process have no obvious effects on the measurements of temperature and humidity.


