
Dual Polarization Radar Characteristics of Severe Downburst Occurred in Weak Vertical Wind Shear

  • 摘要: 基于S波段双偏振多普勒天气雷达和常规观测资料, 分析发生于2022年6月26日、6月30日和7月2日弱垂直风切变环境下强下击暴流的双偏振特征, 探讨其物理机制。研究表明:3次强下击暴流的对流不稳定能量较强, 但垂直风切变较小。6·30风暴和7·2风暴低层较湿, 中(上)层略干, 6·26风暴除近地层外整层较干。在垂直风切变较弱且0℃层高度较高的环境下, 强下击暴流同时伴有高强度分钟降水量(超过3 mm)是其重要特征之一;强下击暴流产生前, 风暴强度较强且风暴顶较高(超过10 km), 0℃层及以上高度存在超过3.0°·km-1的差分相移率高值区, 表明液态粒子或融化的小冰相粒子浓度较高, 可视为风暴液态粒子质量团的悬垂, 类似于强反射率因子核的悬垂及下降, 诱发强下击暴流并伴有短时高强度降水;由于夹卷层平均风速较小, 该类强下击暴流动量下传机制较弱, 如果空气较湿, 强下击暴流的主要机制为重力拖曳及冰相粒子的融化作用, 如果空气较干, 还应考虑干空气的夹卷蒸发作用。


    Abstract: Based on S-band Dual polarization doppler radar data and conventional observations, characteristics of 3 severe downbursts occurred under the background of weak vertical wind shear are analyzed, and their possible physical formation mechanisms are studied. It shows that they all occur with high convective available potential energy, but the vertical wind shear (less than 10 m·s-1) of the environmental atmosphere is weak. 6·30 storm and 7·2 storm are featured by wetter air at low level and drier air at middle (or high) level, while the atmosphere air for 6·26 storm is dry from low level to high level except for the near surface layer. With weak wind vertical shear and higher 0℃ layer height, this type of severe downburst is mostly along with high intensity precipitation (over 3 mm per minute). Before the severe downbursts touch down, the storms grow intensively (over 60 dBZ) and expand over 10 km height, the differential reflectivity (ZDR) and specific differential phase shift (KDP) columns are higher over -10℃ layer, and KDP columns' area at -10℃ layer are larger than ZDR columns'. For dual polarization radar, the appearance of high KDP region (more than 3.0°·km-1) around or above 0℃ layer can be regard as a criterion for identifying downbursts. The high KDP region with high concentrations of liquid partials or small melting ice particles around or above 0℃ layer can be treated as the overhanging quality roll of liquid particles, which is similar to the overhanging and descending reflectivity core. The appearance and descending of high KDP region initiates the development of severe downburst along with short-time high intensity precipitation. Due to weak entrainmental zone mean wind speed, the contribution of downward momentum transportation mechanism on the surface gale wind is probably weak. If the environmental atmosphere is wet, the dominant formation mechanism for severe downburst is the gravity dragging effect by abundant liquid (or small melting ice) particles and a tiny quantity of big hail, and the subordinate formation mechanism is the melt cooling effect by ice phase particles. If the environmental atmosphere is dry especially at middle or high level, the entrainment effect and evaporative cooling effect by dry air also contribute to the maintenance and acceleration of downdrafts.


