
Effects of Covering and Uncovering Date on Seedling Emergence of Overwintering Ginseng and American Ginseng

  • 摘要: 人参和西洋参冬季需要覆盖防寒才能安全越冬, 覆盖时间和揭膜时间对安全越冬及出苗影响很大, 为确定最佳防寒覆盖时间和揭膜时间, 2021年11月—2022年6月在吉林省抚松县开展分期覆盖和分期揭膜试验, 研究不同覆盖时间和揭膜时间对人参和西洋参越冬期地温及出苗影响。结果表明:人参和西洋参出苗率随着覆盖时间推迟而下降。5 cm地温降至0℃时覆盖防寒, 人参和西洋参出苗率最高, 是最佳覆盖防寒期;5 cm地温降至-12℃以下覆盖西洋参大部或全部冻死;5 cm地温瞬时低至-14℃时人参出苗率仍达75%;5 cm地温在-14~-8℃之间波动, 极端最低为-16℃的裸地人参全部被冻死。人参出苗时5~20 cm地温约为8~9℃, 西洋参略高于人参。用高绝热纤维被覆盖防寒, 揭膜越晚地温越低, 出苗越晚, 揭膜时间影响出苗进度, 与最终出苗率相关不明显;最佳揭膜时间需根据地形具体分析, 早春常发生霜冻地块可结合气候预测, 通过揭膜时间控制出苗进度避免春季冻害的发生。


    Abstract: Ginseng and American ginseng need to be covered and protected against cold in winter to survive, and covering and uncovering date has great influences on safe overwintering and seedling emergence. To determine the optimal time, field experiments are conducted at Fusong of Jilin Province from November 2021 to June 2022. Effects of different covering dates on the soil temperature in the overwintering layer and seedling emergence rate of ginseng and American ginseng are studied through different experiment themes. For some cases they are covered in stages in early winter and simultaneously uncovered in spring, and there are also other cases when the ginseng and American ginseng are covered simultaneously in early winter and uncovered step by step in spring. Results show that the emergence rate of ginseng and American ginseng decreases with the delay of coverage date. When 5 cm soil temperature is 0℃, the coverage date for cold prevention is the best, with the highest emergence rate of ginseng and American ginseng. Below -12℃, most or all of American ginseng is frozen to death. When the instantaneous 5 cm soil temperature drops to -14℃, the emergence rate of ginseng still reaches 75%. The emergence rate of ginseng seedlings in other treatments above this temperature coverage is mostly over 86%. When the soil temperature is -7℃ or above, the emergence rate of ginseng seedlings is above 97%. The emergence rate of ginseng seedlings covered by snow is 91%. The soil temperature fluctuates between -14℃ and -8℃, and all uncovered ginseng with an extreme minimum of -16℃ is frozen to death. When ginseng seedlings emerge, the soil temperature of 5-20 cm is around 8-9℃, slightly higher than that of American ginseng. Covering with high insulation fibers to prevent cold, the later the cover is removed, the lower the soil temperature becomes, and the later the seedlings emerge. The date of uncovering affects the progress of seedling emergence, but has little correlation with the emergence rate. The optimal date of uncovering needs to be analyzed further. On frost prone areas in early spring, combined with climate prediction, the emergence progress can be adjusted by uncovering date to avoid spring freezing damage.


