
Review of Pre-processing Techniques for Meteorological Satellite Data Assimilation in Numerical Prediction

  • 摘要: 在数值天气预报变分同化中, 利用同化前处理将卫星资料完成有效信息优选、资料拼接和稀疏化、初级通道选择、下边界参数耦合等处理, 实现卫星资料同化对数值天气预报业务的正贡献, 是决定海量卫星资料同化效率、质量和效果的重要环节。针对多种格式的卫星资料, 中国气象局研发标准格式的高时效卫星资料拼接等技术, 有效减小整轨卫星资料时间滞后对数值天气预报业务的负面影响。对于风云气象卫星资料, 将云和降水检测、资料质量分析等处理置于同化前处理中, 实现多光谱资料融合的同化预质量控制, 保证了风云卫星微波温度探测资料和红外高光谱资料的同化正贡献。利用统一资料格式对预处理卫星资料进行再处理, 拓展针对卫星成像和主动探测资料的处理, 将卫星资料同化的部分质量控制功能置于卫星资料同化前处理中, 是风云卫星资料同化前处理技术发展的重要趋势。


    Abstract: Satellite data assimilation pre-processing plays a crucial role in bridging satellite data pre-processing and numerical weather prediction model assimilation. It involves integrating pre-processed satellite measurements, orbital splicing and sparsification of satellite data, the fusion of boundary condition parameters under satellite pixels, and the assimilation pre-processing quality control of satellite data by using a unified file format and in accordance with the requirements of the data assimilation system. In the variational assimilation of numerical forecasts, assimilation pre-processing filters effective information from satellite pre-processed measurements, supports the positive contribution of satellite data assimilation to numerical forecast operations, and is an important link in determining the efficiency, quality and effectiveness of assimilation of large quantities of satellite data. In response to the complex format of satellite data from multiple channels, CMA has developed a standard format of high time-sensitive satellite data splicing technology in the pre-processing of satellite data assimilation, which effectively reduces the negative impact of the time lag of whole-orbit satellite data on operational numerical prediction. In the assimilation pre-processing of Fengyun satellite data, the assimilation prequality control of multi-spectral data fusion is achieved by front-loading cloud and precipitation detection, data analysis, analysis and other processing into the assimilation pre-processing, which ensures the positive assimilation contribution of Fengyun microwave temperature sounding data and infrared hyperspectral data. In the development of satellite data assimilation pre-processing technology, reprocessing of pre-processed satellite data by using a unified data format, expanding the processing for satellite imagery and active detection data, and front-loading a part of satellite data assimilation quality control function into data assimilation pre-processing are important trends in the development of future assimilation pre-processing technology for Fengyun satellite data.


