
Vertical Activity Characteristics of Pleonomus Canaliculatus in Winter Wheat and Summer Maize Rotation Fields

  • 摘要: 基于河北固城农业气象国家野外科学观测研究站2019—2020年、2021—2022年冬小麦-夏玉米轮作田沟金针虫在土壤中分层调查数据, 引入虫口重量指标, 结合虫口密度指标, 揭示沟金针虫在冬小麦-夏玉米轮作田为害-休眠动态变化, 讨论沟金针虫在土壤中垂直活动特征、气象条件与其相关性以及对冬小麦产量影响。结果表明: 沟金针虫在冬小麦-夏玉米轮作田存在3个为害期和3个休眠期, 且交替出现。3个为害期出现在冬小麦返青-拔节期、夏玉米幼苗期、冬小麦秋苗期, 3个休眠期出现在冬小麦越冬期、冬小麦成熟-收获期、夏玉米灌浆-成熟期, 3个为害期中以冬小麦返青-拔节期最为严重。冬季偏暖及春季回暖早, 沟金针虫表现出晚下早上特征, 使得沟金针虫冬季休眠期缩短而为害活动期延长; 土壤温度、湿度以及食源关系共同影响沟金针虫为害、休眠以及取食活动, 其为害适宜土壤重量含水率约为15%~18%, 适宜土壤温度为14~18 ℃。分析沟金针虫为害与冬小麦减产率可知, 虫口密度每增加10 m-2或虫口重量每增加1.0 g·m-2, 可导致减产率增加5.1%。


    Abstract: Based on the stratified survey data of Pleonomus canaliculatus in the soil of winter wheat and summer maize rotation field in North China Plain, the vertical activity of Pleonomus canaliculatus in the soil of winter wheat and summer maize rotation fields, the correlation between meteorological conditions and farmland planting management are observed and analyzed, and effects of Pleonomus canaliculatus damage on the yield of winter wheat are analyzed. By combining the insect population weight index with population density index, characteristics of the harm-dormancy activity of Pleonomus canaliculatus are investigated comprehensively in different soil layers. Results show that in the winter wheat and summer maize rotation growing season, there are 3 harm and 3 dormant periods, 3 harm periods appear in the winter wheat regreening-jointing period, the summer maize seedling period and the autumn seedling period of winter wheat, and 3 dormant periods appear in winter wheat overwintering period, winter wheat ripening-harvesting period and summer maize filling-ripening period. Among 3 harm periods, winter wheat regreening-jointing period is the most serious, which could lead to serious yield reduction of winter wheat. Winter is warmer, and spring temperature is warmer early, so Pleonomus canaliculatus exhibits characteristics of going down late and coming up early, which shortens the dormant period in winter and prolong the harmful activity period. Soil temperature, moisture, and the relationship between food and source affect the damage, dormancy, and feeding activities of Pleonomus canaliculatus. The suitable soil moisture content for it is about 15% to 18%, and the suitable soil temperature is 14 to 18 ℃. In summer, Pleonomus canaliculatus may enter dormancy or reduce activity due to lack of food sources or high temperatures and humidity of soil, Pleonomus canaliculatus can enter the dormancy or reduced activity. The analysis of winter wheat yield reduction caused by Pleonomus canaliculatus damage shows that the yield reduction rate is increased by 5.1% with an increase of 10 m-2 in insect population density or with an increase of 1.0 g·m-2 in insect weight. Results provide reference for agricultural production in North China to address climate change and scientifically manage farm to avoid diseases and pests.


