
Spectral Correction Impacts of Lightning from Tall Buildings on Channel Temperature Inversion

  • 摘要: 雷电光谱强度因受到大气衰减特性、光栅响应特性以及相机光电响应特性等影响, 导致光谱定量分析中通道温度的反演存在误差。以1次高建筑物雷电回击光谱为例, 考虑相机和光栅的仪器响应对其进行校正, 对比校正前后的光谱结构和谱线强度, 并基于多谱线法利用1次电离的氮离子(NII)和中性氧原子(OI)谱线反演通道温度, 分析光谱校正对通道温度反演的影响。结果显示: 光谱校正后离子和中性原子谱线强度均明显增强, 尤其可见光区域的连续谱强度明显增强, 导致其谱线结构变化显著, 而近红外区域的谱线结构变化不显著。利用校正后可见光区域的NII谱线和近红外区域的OI谱线反演通道温度时, 线性拟合的决定系数均增大, 反演准确度均得到提升。NII和OI谱线反演的通道温度平均值相比校正前分别降低4660 K和上升1540 K, 且由OI谱线反演的通道温度低于由NII谱线反演的温度, 说明它们分别对应雷电放电通道径向的不同区域。


    Abstract: During the lightning spectral observation, the spectral intensity is significantly reduced due to instrumental factors and other factors. The spectral intensity attenuation significantly affects the accuracy of temperature calculations. Temperature, as a fundamental parameter, is inextricably linked to other parameters within the lightning discharge channel, and accurate determination of the plasma temperature is crucial for gaining insights into the dynamic and physical processes of the discharge. Up to now, there have been no detailed and definitive reports on the influence of instrumental response on tall building lightning spectroscopy and temperature diagnostics.Based on the spectral analysis of a lightning return stroke channel spectrum, the spectral is corrected by accounting for the instrumental response. Then, the spectral structure and line intensities before and after correction are compared and analyzed. Nitrogen ionized (NII) lines in the visible region and neutral oxygen (OI) lines in the near-infrared region are selected for temperature calculations using the multi-line method. The influence of spectral correction on the temperature analysis of the tall building lightning return stroke channel is investigated. Results show that after correction, the intensity of spectral lines is significantly enhanced. In particular, the spectral line structure in the visible region changes significantly, while the spectral line structure in the near-infrared region changes little. The continuum radiation in the visible region of the corrected tall building lightning spectrum is significantly enhanced, which is different from the results of natural cloud-to-ground lightning spectra after considering the instrumental response correction. Due to the significant enhancement of the continuum radiation intensity in the visible region resulting from the spectral correction, the continuum radiation intensity should be subtracted when using NII lines in the visible region to calculate the tall building lightning temperature. In this case, the coefficient of fitted line and the calculation accuracy increases, while the average temperature decreases by 4660 K compared to that before correction. Conversely, since the original continuum radiation intensity of tall building lightning spectra in the near-infrared region is relatively low, the spectral correction has little effect on the continuum spectrum intensity. Therefore, after spectral correction, when using OI lines in the near-infrared region to calculate the temperature, the determination coefficient of the linear fitting increases, resulting in improved fitting performance and an increase of 1540 K in the average temperature.


