
A Numerical Experiment on the Change of the Hadley Circulation Related to Anomalous SST

  • 摘要: 应用北半球多层初始方程谱模式,在非绝热过程下,取不同的海面温度作数值试验,分别积分24—96小时,分析110°E季风通道上的垂直环流变化。结果表明,本模式能够模拟出一次低纬度Hadley环流的转换过程。偏高海温有抑制冷空气南下、维持Hadley反环流的作用;偏低海温有利于冷空气南下,有助于向Hadley正环流的转变。


    Abstract: In this paper, integrating multiple level PE-spectral model over 24—96 hours respectively, the change of the Hadley circulation cell at 110oE has been simulated for a non-adiabatic process in different SST conditions. It is found that when SST is above normal, the outbreak of cold air southward is weak and there will be an Anti-Hadley circulation at 110oE and when SST is below normal, the outbreak of cold air southward is strong, and the Hadley circulation cell at 110oE will be maintained.


