
Observation and Analysis of Frequency Spectrum from Lightning Discharge Radiation

  • 摘要: 1984年8月,利用我们研制的闪电数字信号接收设备,在合肥地区进行了观测。并使用微机对信号进行数字滤波、Fourier变换等处理。所接收的信号一类具有明显的回击脉冲,而另一类则无。从前者中挑选出21个典型信号作为个例进行分析,得出了这类信号及其振幅频谱的主要特点,并与理论结果和其他的模拟观测结果作了比较。


    Abstract: In Aug. 1984, we observed lightning discharge radiation in Hefei, Anhai Province by using the lightning digital receiver developed by ourselves. The signals were processed by digital filter. Fourier translation and so on with microcomputer. One group of the signals has obvious return strokes, and the other not. 21 typical signals were selected as examples. Some characteristics of signals and their amplitude frequency spectrum were drawn, and were compared with theoretical and other analogue observational results


