
The Microphysical Characteristics and the Mechanism of the Precipitation of the Stratiform Cloud in Sichuan Province in Spring

  • 摘要: 用机载粒子测量系统(FSSP-100、2D-C、2D-P)和其他云物理测量仪器,对四川春季一次冷锋前层状云降水进行了探测。探测结果是:春季层状云降雨并不都是由高层卷云、高积云自然引晶激发而成的,它可以是由层状云(As op),特别是层状云中对流云群产生的针状、鞘状、棱柱状冰雪晶的聚并体和凇附形成的霰粒自身激发降水的。这些降水胚元长大成雨滴,其质量增长主要在负温层;初始直径D0=600微米的霰粒胚元,在负温层中增长的质量占总的增长质量的70%以上。


    Abstract: A case study on the observation of the prefrontal stratiform cloud precipitation Sichuan in spring was made based on an aircraft measurement with PMS FSSP-100, OAP-2DP and others. It is found that the precipitation from the stratiform cloud was not always stimulated by the natural seeding from high level cirrus. It may be created by the aggregated ice crystals in form needle, sheaths, columus and graupels from riming in stratiform cloud itself, especially in the convective clouds complexes embeded within the stratiform cloud system. The mass growth of those rain embryos is mainly occurred in the negative temperature layer. For a graupel embryo with initial diameter D=600μm, the mass growth in negative temperature layer hold 70% or more of total mass growth.


