A Single Station Lightning Location System
摘要: 本文介绍数字化的VLF雷电单站定位系统,本系统以Wait的波导理论为基础,测量磁—电场的相位差确定测站与源的距离。系统主要由接收机、BC-5波形存贮液器、H-89微型计算机及控制软件包组成。其性能较好:快速(最高记录速度为4兆字节/秒)、灵活(功能可用软件改变)、宽带(100赫兹—200千赫兹)。利用此系统观测到VLF频谱,并作了单站定位的初步尝试。Abstract: This paper introduces a lightning vocation system which is based on Wait’s waves propagation theory. The system has only one station, which consists of a BC-5 Digital Waves Storgaer, a H-89 Microcomputer and a Controling Software Package. The system works in high storage speed (Max. 4 MW/sec) with easy changing function (by software) and wide frequency band (100 Hz-200 KHz). It was used to observe VLF spectrum of lightning electromagnic radiation and to locate lightning position