
The Seasonal Change of the Wind Field in Southern Asia During the Onset of Summer Monsoon

  • 摘要: 根据1973—1979年5—8月美国国家气象中心的网格点资料,分析了亚洲南部在夏季风暴发前后对流层风场的变化。我们发现在亚洲南部的夏季风系统中有两个子系统,即东亚季风和印度季风。各个季风子系统各自有它的成员,这些成员在夏季风暴发前后都经历显著的变化。在东亚季风系统中受中纬度影响比在印度季风系统更强烈,其成员也比印度季风系统复杂。而在季风暴发前后各个成员的变化、印度季风系统比东亚季风系统更显著。


    Abstract: By using the wind data in summer months for 1973—1979, the seasonal change of the wind field in Southern Asia during the onset of summer monsoon is studied. It is found that during the onset the main components of Asian summer monsoon system show a marked change. The changes in the Indian monsoon region are more marked than that in the Eastern Asian monsoon region. We also found that in the huge Southern Asian monsoon system there are two sub-system one is the Indian monsoon system, and the other is the Eastern Asian monsoon system. The components in the Eastern Asian monsoon system are: Austrian anticyclone, low-level cross-equatorial flow at 105oE, monsoon trough in the South China Sea, subtropical high pressure ridge in the West Pacific and the Mei-Yu front in the Yangtze River Valley


