
A Dynamic Study on the Role of TUTT in the Generation of Typhoon

  • 摘要: 基于第二类条件不稳定理论,本文对热带对流层上部槽(TUTT)在台风形成中的作用进行了动力学研究。结果表明,TUTT对台风生成有一些促进作用,但相对于边界层的Ekman抽吸以及积云动量输送作用却是很弱小的。因此,对于台风的发生发展,还是应该更多着眼于热带对流层中低层的情况。


    Abstract: Based on the conditional instability of the second kind (CISK), a dynamical study on the role of the tropical upper tropospheric trough (TUTT) for the generation of typhoon has been carried out. The results show that TUTT plays a certain role in the generation of typhoon, but this effect is very weak in comparison with Ekman pumping and the cumulus momentum transport. Therefore, for the generation and development of typhoon, the circulation pattern of the middle- and lower –troposphere in tropics should be paid more attentions too.


