
El-Nino Phenomena and 500 hPa Atmospheric Circulation in Northern Hemisphere

  • 摘要: 本文计算了赤道东太平洋海面温度与北半球500百帕大气环流的遥相关,发现它们之间的遥相关现象是十分显著的。从相关场的空间分布看,赤道东太平洋海面温度与热带低纬度地区500百帕高度全年为较强的正相关,而与中高纬度地区500百帕高度有较强的负相关。相关最好的地区,低纬度主要在太平洋西部,向西至南海、印度洋、阿拉伯海,其次在大西洋上。中高纬度的太平洋中部和北部,以及北美中部至大西洋上为较强的负相关。在欧亚大陆西部,通过北极区至北美大陆西北部则有稍弱的正相关。通过这一正相关区中心,似乎存在着一个对称轴,使得太平洋及欧亚地区的相关场与北美和大西洋地区的相关场呈轴对称,此对称轴随季节的差异在极地附近有东西半球之间的摆动。同时发现,从热带太平洋—欧亚大陆东部,北太平洋中部和北部—北极—北美大陆东部,北大西洋北部—热带大西洋西部,存在着一种相关区正、负间隔的“大圆环路”。从时间上看,赤道东太平洋海面温度的变化对北半球500百帕大气环流的影响是持续的,一般海温超前的影响很明显,往往超前达一年之久,较强的影响超前约5、6个月左右。海温滞后的相关与超前的相关符号相反。厄尼诺现象对北半球冬季极涡、西风带槽脊、副热带急流以及副热带高压都有影响,尤其是对西太平洋副热带高压,以及我国长江流域梅雨的影响更为明显。


    Abstract: In this paper, the teleconnection between sea surface temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific and 500 hPa geopotential height fields over the northern hemisphere has been discussed. The teleconnection patterns show that there are a positive correlation zone over the low latitudes and a negative correlation zone over the middle latitudes. The positive correlation region is located over the southwestern part of the Northern Pacific and the negative correlation region over the northern and central parts of Northern Pacific. It is found that there is a “large semicircular belt” which passes through the Northern Pacific, the North Pole, the Eastern America and the Northern Atlantic with positive and negative correlation regions alternatively. It is also shown that the conditions of subtropical high of the NW Pacific and Meiyu (bai-u) of Yangtze River Valley etc. are influenced by El-Nino phenomena


