
The Warm θse Lid in a Heavy Rain Case During Mei-yu Season

  • 摘要: 本文利用一个10层中尺度湿模式,对长江流域的一次梅雨暴雨进行数值模拟。结果如下:1. 梅雨暴雨系统中有θse暖盖存在,并在降水过程中维持加强。它与美国中西部强风暴暴雨系统中的干暖盖不同,是湿暖盖。2.降水多发生在暖盖北侧或东北侧、θse水平梯度大的地区,该地区还处于850—700百帕层的位势不稳定中心和强上升区重叠处附近。3.暖盖的作用除了可抑制其下层(边界层)位势不稳定能量的随时释放外,还起到增强其上层(对流层中低层)位势不稳定度的作用,因而暖盖在暴雨过程中提供了有利于深厚积云对流发生发展的热力环境条件。4.从对热成风涡度方程的讨论可知,暴雨多出现在暖盖上层的位势不稳定中心区和强上升区附近,是由于该处的位势不稳定度及其水平分布不均匀性和上升速度及其水平分布不均匀性的互相耦合,造成热成风不平衡,引起抽气式垂直环流的发生发展,并引起重力惯性波的不稳定之故,所以暖盖还对大气不平衡状态的发展起促进作用。 5.由暖盖的个别变化方程可知,暖盖生成的决定性因子是地转热成风(Vg/p)对水汽的平流和热成风不平衡(v’/ p)引起的θse平流。因此雨区南侧低空偏南湿急流的存在对雨区暖盖的增强极为有利。


    Abstract: A 10 layer moist mesoscale model has been employed to simulate a heavy rain case over Yangtze Valley, China during Mei-Yu season. The rain-band and subsynoptic fields are simulated realistically. The results also show that: ① A θse warm lid existed over heavy rain region, which was maintained and enhanced during rainfall period. It is a moist lid, characterized by the inversion of θse and is different from the dry lid with the severe local storms over middle United States. ② The heavy rain region located at the northern or northeastern part of the lid, where the horizontal gradient of θse is considerable large; besides, the upward motion and the potential instability of the stratified atmosphere over there are significant. ③ The warm moist lid not only restrained the release of potential unstable energy from the under running flow, but also enhanced the potential instability of the layer above. Thus, the lid played a role in providing a favorable thermodynamic environment to the development of deep cumulus convection. ④ Based on the thermal wind vorticity eq and the modeling results, the phenomena of the location of heavy precipitation coincide with the strong ascending area and the maximum potential unstable region over 850—700 hPa can be explained by the coupling of vertical motion and the potential instability, ω▽2σs and σs▽2ω. They would induced the imbalance between the mass field and the thermal field so that the “pumping” secondary circulation would develop over the heavy rain region, and the inertial gravity instability would occur as well. Thus, the lid is also favorable to the development of atmospheric imbalance indirectly. ⑤ Based on the eq of stability and the modeling results, the formation of the moist lid is caused by moisture advection of geostrophic thermal wind and differential geostrophic advection ofθse . Therefore, the existence of moist low level jet in the south or south-west of the rainfall region is favorable to the development of the lid.


