
Some Climatological Characteristics During 1982—1983 Winter in East Asia

  • 摘要: 1982—1983年冬季东亚气候距平的主要特征是有三个距平带和热干、冷湿两种距平状态。作者发现,在厄尼诺现象盛行时,副高明显加强,这是15°N 以南出现热干气候的直接原因。我国新疆地区偏暖,华南、西南地区偏冷也同厄尼诺有一定的遥相关关系。15°—30°N 的强大降水正距平则同东亚南支急流加强和南移有密切关系,南支急流加强则是其南侧的副高加强和其北侧青藏高原气温的强大负距平与雪盖扩大的结果。从降水带与高空急流的关系看,该冬季15°—30°N 地带的降水增多是一种季风雨的加强,同夏季梅雨加强的环流特点是相同的。


    Abstract: The main feature of the climate in winter of 1982—1983 is characterized by two kinds of anomalous states (warm dry and cold wet) distributed in three zones. It is found that as El-Nino is prevailing, the subtropical high in west pacific is especially strong which is the direct cause of the warm and dry climate in south of 15oN in East Asia. The warmer climate in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and colder climate in the southwest and the south of China have teleconnections with El-Nino event. The extremely abundant precipitation and cold climate in zone 15o—30oN is closely connected with the intensification and south movement of southern jet stream in East Asia. This jet stream is intensified by intensification of subtropical high on its southern side, and strong negative anomalous of air temperature and the large snow cover on its northern side, i. e. on Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. The rainfall zone in essence is the intensified monsoon rain, similar to Meiyu of Yangtze River in June


