
An Ecological Analysis on Soil Moisture Indices of Winter Wheat in Its Main Stages

  • 摘要: 作物水分指标是进行干旱气候分析的基础,也是农业上合理用水的依据。本文从试验资料出发,对水分-生理生态关系进行了模拟,运用数学方法和最优分割理论确定了冬小麦主要生育阶段适宜的水分指标和干旱指标。在此基础上,就相对蒸散与叶面积系数和土壤湿度的关系进行了分析,并用Penman公式加以生态订正,确定出冬小麦耗水量指标。


    Abstract: In this paper, by using the experimental data obtained from Gong County Meteorological Station in Henan Province, the relation between the physiological function of winter wheat in its main stages and soil moisture is simulated, and the optimum index for soil moisture and the drought index for moisture are given. On the basis of these indices, the water consumption of winter wheat in its main stages is obtained from modified Penman equation by consideration of the relative evapotranspiration related to the coefficient of crop leaf area and the index of soil moisture.


