
Measurements and Analyses of Atmospheric Optical Properties over Tibetan Plateau

  • 摘要: 本文在1986年6月西藏拉萨市十通道太阳光度计六天观测工作基础上,计算了高原地区的整层大气垂直光学厚度,与北京西郊1981年6月的资料对比表明,在可见和近红外波段,拉萨市的大气光学厚度只有北京的一半,甚至更小。分析了在高原地区利用臭氧的Chappuis吸收带反演大气臭氧总量的可行性、方法、结果及其合理性。接着,本文讨论了双通道法和多通道法计算水汽光学厚度的差别,并简要分析了影响水汽总量变化的原因。本文还讨论了拉萨地区六月份大气浑浊度的时变规律及其变化机制。大气浑浊度不仅与地面大气状况(对流、地面风速等)有关,而且取决于大气的湍流结构。最后,本文利用Philips—Twomey方法反演了气溶胶的谱分布,结果表明,高原六月份气溶胶谱形大多接近Junge分布形式。另外,文中还简单讨论了折射率对反演气溶胶谱的影响。


    Abstract: The data getting from a 10–channel solar photometer in Lhasa in June 1986 (during TIPEMX–1986) have been used to analyse the atmospheric optical properties over Tibetan Plateau. The results presented in this paper are as follows: The values of the total optical depth in Lhasa are only about half of those in Beijing, which indicates that atmospheric transparency over Plateau is good. The Chappuis bands of ozone can be used to retrieve the total ozone content of atmosphere in Plateau areas. The majority of aerosol size distributions over Lhasa can be best represented by the Junge distribution. The total moisture content of atmosphere not only relates to the circulation situation but depends on the moisture transportation.


