
The Processes of Mesoscale Systems of Hail Storm over the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau

  • 摘要: 本文用甘肃省暴雨、冰雹中尺度试验期间(1979—1980年)的资料,按不同的大尺度流型,对典型例子分类。然后将其逐时地面中尺度气象场平均后作诊断分析,并配合相应时刻的雷达回波、阵雨和降雹概率,得出两种结构不同的移动性雹暴中系统生命过程模式。物理量诊断表明,散度、湿静力温度平流和垂直速度与雹暴关系较好,雹暴中系统的面积辐合具有数小时的先兆性,可作为强对流天气短时预报因子。


    Abstract: In this paper, we used the hail storm field experimental data in Gausu Province in 1979—1980 to choose several typical cases based on the different synoptic patterns and to divide into two types. Then the composite diagnostic analysis has been done by the averaged hourly surface mesoscale meteorological fields and the probability of radar echo, shower and hailfall. Two kinds of the processes of different mesoscale systems have been obtained. The diagnostic analysis of the meteorological elements indicated that the divergence, moist static temperature analysis of the meteorological elements indicated that the divergence, moist static temperature advection, and vertical velocity are closely related to the mesoscale systems of hail storm over the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. The areal convergence of hail storm which has a certain prior indication can be used for nowcasting the convective weather


