
Atmospheric Dispersion and Transport Near the Surface in Some Cities of South China

  • 摘要: 本文利用1980—1983年广州、湛江、汕头等地的实测资料,讨论了华南一些城市近地层大气污染物扩散与输送特征。发现由于垂直扩散较强,最大浓度常于近源处发生,且向下风方浓度衰减较快。受近地层局地小扰动的影响,大气污染浓度分布常呈现不规则起伏。季风对华南一些城市污染物输送规律有较大影响,从而使平均污染浓度高值区具有明显的季节性变化。沿海城市大气污染还在一定程度上受到海陆风的作用,而使浓度分布有明显的日变化。最后讨论了雨水的冲洗作用。


    Abstract: In this paper, some features of atmospheric dispersion and transport near the surface and its influence on air pollution in some cities of South China are discussed by using the observations in Guangzhou, Zhanjiang and Shantou during 1980—1983. It is found that the maximum concentration often occurs near source through intensive vertical diffusion, and the values of concentration decrease with the distance downwind rather rapidly. Due to the effects of perturbations, the distribution of air pollution often presents irregular undulations. In addition, the effect of monsoon on transport of pollutant in South China is obvious, therefore, the high areas of the average pollutant concentration change with seasons markedly. The air pollution over coastal cities in South China is also effected by sea–and land–breezes to a certain degree, and therefore, the distribution appears daily variation. The rainwash effect of precipitation is also discussed


