
Relationship Between the Variation of the Antarctic Sea Ice Extent and the Equatorial Sea Surface Temperature

  • 摘要: 本文利用1973—1982年卫星观测的南极海冰资料,借助于谐波分析和谱分析计算方法,探讨了南极海冰与东、西太平洋赤道海温(SST)的关系。发现南极海冰和东太平洋赤道海温都存在准三年振荡周期,并且它们之间还存在着明显的相关关系。


    Abstract: In this paper, the relationship between the Antarctic sea ice extent and the equatorial sea surface temperature (SST) has been examined by means of the harmonic and cross spectral analyses. It is found that there are the quasi-triennial oscillations of the sea ice extent and the SST, and correlations between them as well


