
The Oscillation Characteristics of Radiational Parameters over the Zhangye Region During the Summer of 1984

  • 摘要: 本文用多维谱分析的方法,研究了1984年夏季张掖地区辐射参数的中短期和超短期振荡特征。1984年夏季,张掖地区辐射等参数存在着3—5天的中短期振荡及30分钟、50分钟和80分钟的超短期振荡。准3天振荡主要存在于热力边界层,振荡是由西向东传播的,影响高度大致为400 hPa。超短期振荡强度有着明显的日际变化,其变化周期也大致为3—5天。在大气中各种时间尺度的振荡之间存在着某种联系。准3天振荡可能是青藏高原地面热力扰动影响的一种反映;准30分钟的超短期振荡强度与天气系统的关系不明显,而与热力状况及主要云状却有一定的关系。


    Abstract: A multi–spectral method is used to study medium-short and very-short range oscillation characteristics of radiation parameters observed in the Zhangye region of China in the summer of 1984. Medium-short range oscillation are defined as a sort of the variation occurring on the time scale of 3—5 days: the very-short range oscillations occur over the periods of approximately 30—80 minutes. The quasi-three days oscillation is also found in the thermal boundary layer. These oscillations propagate from west to east within the height range of about 400 hPa. The amplitudes of the very-short range oscillations of the radiation parameters over the Zhangye region vary with a period of 3—5 days, However, there are certain relationships among all sorts of the scales of the oscillations in the atmosphere. The quasi-three day oscillation may be a response to the thermal disturbance on the Qinghai–Xizang Plateau. There seems no distinct relationship between the very-short range oscillation and synoptic systems, but the oscillations appear to vary with the thermal state near the surface and prevalent cloud type


