
Relationships Between Tree-–ring and Climate in Changji Region of the Middle of the Tianshan

  • 摘要: 本文计算和分析了天山中部昌吉地区6个云杉年表和该地区5个站生长季(5—9月)温度、降水的简单相关和多元相关。介绍了分析两组变量之间关系的典型相关方法、计算步骤、计算结果及其检验。指出干旱、半干旱的昌吉地区,树木轮宽指数(地点平均年表)与生长季温度为负相关,与降水正相关,而且该指数与降水的关系比与温度的关系更显著。后延一年的年轮指数与温度、降水的关系比年轮指数与温度、降水的同时相关显著得多。这为由树木年轮重建气候提供了依据。


    Abstract: The simple correlation and multiple correlation between the tree-ring chronologies at 6 locations in Changji region of the middle of the Tianshan, and mean temperatures and total precipitations for the growing season at 5 climatic stations around the tree-rings sampled have been analysed. Both data sets are subjected to a canonical correlation analysis. The results show that the two data sets are significantly correlated at the 99.5% confidence level. The correlation between the tree-ring index and the temperature is negative and the correlation between the index and the precipitation is positive in arid and semi-arid Changji region. Also, the one year lag correlation is more significant than the concurrent year correlation. This would probably provide a basis for reconstructing regional climate from tree-ring evidence.


