
The Relations Between Richardson Number and the Stability of Mesoscale Perturbations

  • 摘要: 本文通过用摄动方法求解对数压力坐标系下原始方程组的线性解,来研究理查逊数与中尺度扰动的稳定性的关系,得出了零级近似和一级近似下对称不稳定以及零级近似几种特殊的斜压不稳定判据。


    Abstract: In this paper, the relations between the Richardson number and the stability of mesoscale perturbations are acquired by linearly solving the primitive equations in the log-pressure coordinate system with expansion of the small parameters, and then the symmetrically instability criterions under conditions of zero-order and first-order approximations and the baroclinic instability criterions under conditions of zero-order approximations are discussed.


