
The Thermal Characteristics over Zhangye Region During the Summer of 1984

  • 摘要: 本文用热平衡方法估算了1984年夏季张掖地区的平均感热、潜热输送以及对热量和水份的滞凝系数,对该地的平均热状况特征进行了研究,在张掖地区,感热通量及热量滞凝系数随高度增加,而潜热通量及水份滞凝系数则减小;热力参数与辐射参数一样,也存在着3—5天的中期振荡周期,热力参数及辐射参数相应振荡的位相差都很小,而谱相关则大多在50%以上。可以用辐射参数的平均值来估计近地面层感热和潜热输送的平均状况。张掖地区的热状况平均特征基本上与1979年QXPMEX结果一致。


    Abstract: In this paper, an analysis is presented concerning the thermal characteristics over the Zhangye region of China during the summer of 1984. The mean sensible and latent heat transfer, the drag coefficients of heat and moisture are estimated in this period by using the thermal equilibrium method. In this region, sensible heat flux and heat drag coefficient increase with height, but latent heat flux and moisture drag coefficient decrease with it. The thermal parameter variation indicates a 3—5 day medium–range oscillation period just as the radiant parameter, and the phase difference between the two parameters is very small and their coherences are above 50% mostly. Therefore, the mean values of sensible heat and latent heat transfer in surface layer can be estimated by using the average radiant parameters. It is shown that the mean characteristics of thermal regime in Zhangye region coincide with those got from QXPMEX–79.


