
The Influence of ENSO and Volcanic Eruption on Summer Monsoon Rain Belts in the Eastern China

  • 摘要: ENSO现象对夏季我国天气有重要影响。当南方涛动(SO)偏弱并出现ENSO现象时,通过增强的Hadley环流的作用,它一般会使夏季西太平洋副高偏强西伸;同时,副高脊线和北侧的季风雨带位置除受到南方涛动指数(SOI)影响外,还受到平流层火山云影响即以晴空太阳直接辐射量(S)为表征的作用。由于S有显著年际振荡,我国盛夏季风雨带的位置可以有相当的差异。根据分析,作了1983、1987年夏季多雨的预报。


    Abstract: ENSO event occurring in winter—spring greatly influence the following summer weather of China. When the Southern Oscillation (SO) in winter—spring is weaker and accompanied with ENSO, it will lead the west Pacific high (WPH) in the following summer to strengthen and extend westward through the action of enhanced Hadley cell located in mid–equational Pacific. And the location of the ridge line of WPH in mid summer (July—August) and the monsoon rain belt in eastern China in the northern side of WPH are controlled by two factors, both the preceding SOI in late spring and the direct solar radiation (S) of clear sky indicating the stratospheric volcanic dust content. Owing to the significant annual variation of S, the difference of location of the monsoon rain belt in eastern China in mid summer will be considerable during the ENSO periodes. Based on this analysis, the seasonal forecast for the summer rainy tendency in the mid–lower valley of Changjiang river and Huaihe river in 1987 (ENSO year) has been made.


