
An Analysis of a Severe Rain Storm by Two MESO—αVortices

  • 摘要: 本文分析了华北地区初夏一次罕见暴雨过程。指出,这次暴雨过程是西北涡和西南涡在同一经度上连接并相互作用造成的;重力惯性波不稳定和条件性对称不稳定对这次过程在华北平原北部降水骤增可能有一定的作用。


    Abstract: In this paper, a case study of the process of a severe rain storm in North China by two meso–αvortices has been made. It is found that the heavy rain has been caused by the interaction between a meso–αvortex coming from northwestern China and a meso–αvortex from southwestern China located in the same longtitude. It is also found that the inertic gravitational wave instability and condition symmetric instability may have a contribution to the suddenly heavy rainfall in the north of north China plain


