
霍治国, 张养才, 李全胜

霍治国, 张养才, 李全胜. 亚热带东部丘陵山区作物气候生产力研究[J]. 气象科学研究院院刊 , 1989, 4(3): 300-310.
引用本文: 霍治国, 张养才, 李全胜. 亚热带东部丘陵山区作物气候生产力研究[J]. 气象科学研究院院刊 , 1989, 4(3): 300-310.
A study on climatic productivities of crops in hilly and mountainous areas in the east of subtropics of china. J Appl Meteor Sci, 1989, 4(3): 300-310. .
Citation: A study on climatic productivities of crops in hilly and mountainous areas in the east of subtropics of china. J Appl Meteor Sci, 1989, 4(3): 300-310. .




A Study on Climatic Productivities of Crops in Hilly and Mountainous Areas in the East of Subtropics of China

  • 摘要: 本文根据1983年4月—1986年3月三年山区梯度观测资料,综合考虑山区光、热、水农业的气候资源匹配关系,建立不同山区、坡向、高度的作物气候生产力估算模式。模式中对山区温度、降水、日照等气象要素进行了修正。运用模式估算了不同山区、坡向、高度的水稻、玉米、冬小麦气候生产力。计算结果:亚热带东部丘陵山区单、双季稻、夏玉米气候生产力一般南坡大于北坡,西坡大于东坡;春玉米、冬小麦一般北坡大于南坡,东坡大于西坡。双季晚稻气候生产力大于双季早稻,夏玉米大于春玉米(神农架山区除外)。应该指出,目前高产典型水稻产量可达其气候生产力的60%以上,玉米和冬小麦仅达到30%—50%左右,表明山区农业气候资源可开发潜力很大。本文为合理开发山区气候资源、调整农业布局及提高单位面积产量提供了定量的科学依据。
    Abstract: Based on the data of gradient observation in the mountain areas during April 1983—March 1986 and taking into account the matched relationship among sunlight, heat and water resources, an estimation model is established for the climatic productivities of crops in the different elevations, slope orientations and mountain areas. In the model, meteorological elements of temperature, precipitation and sunshine in the mountain are amended, and the climatic productivities of rice, corn and winter wheat are estimated. The results show that in generally, in the hilly and mountainous areas in the east of subtropics of China, climatic productivities of single cropping of rice, double cropping of rice and summer corn in the south of slope orientation are higher than in the north, and those in the west of slope orientation are higher than in the east. Climatic productivities of spring corn and winter wheat in the north slope are higher than in the south, and those in the east slope are higher than in the west. Climatic productivity of late double cropping of rice is higher than early rice, that of summer corn is higher than spring corn (except for the Shen–Nong Jia mountain). It is necessary to point out that the high output of rice in some typical sites can come to over 60 percent of climatic productivity, while the outputs of corn and winter wheat are only about 30—50 percent of their climatic productivities. It is shown that the potential of agroclimatic resources exploitable in the mountain areas is still rather high. The quantitative results in this paper would be useful for the efficient exploitation of climatic resources, the rational adjustment of agricultural distribution and the enhancement of yield per unit area in mountain areas.
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  • 纸刊出版:  1989-10-30


