
A Laboratory Study on the Nucleating Properties of Three AgI–type Aerosols Under Water Sub–Saturation

  • 摘要: 在水面欠饱和、冰面过饱和条件下,对三种含碘化银的冰核气溶胶的成冰性能进行了研究。实验是在2 m3等温云室中进行的。在无云条件下排除了接触核化的可能性,同时把冰晶中心有无冻滴作为辨认凝结冻结核化与凝华核化的标志。从实验得到的一些定性结果表明,这三种碘化银气溶胶在成冰性能方面存在着明显的差异。


    Abstract: Three kinds of AgI–type aerosols have been tested in a 2m3 isothermal cloud chamber under water sub–saturation conditions to study their ice nucleating properties. The possibility for contact nucleation is excluded in such a cloudless condition and whether there is the frozen droplet or not in the ice crystal center is taken as a sign to tell condensation freezing nucleation from deposition nucleation. The qualitative results obtained show that there are the obvious differences of three kins of AgI–type aerosols in their ice nucleating properties


