
Large Scale Meteorological Conditions Associated with Mesoscale-Convective Cloud Clusters over Western China in Midsummer

  • 摘要: 本文对1984和1985年7至8月我国副热带湿区中18个中尺度对流云团活动过程共22个时次的三维环境场进行诊断分析。重点分析了110°E以西10个华西中尺度α类对流云团生命过程中的大尺度环境条件及其三维结构。阐明了它是属于副热带性质的季风云团,并讨论了高原云团经过东坡时的演变特征以及云团东移持续发展的环境条件。


    Abstract: In this paper, three-dimensional environmental meteorological fields for the life processes of eighteen mesoscale- convective cloud clusters over subtropical humid region of China during July—August of 1984—1985 have been analysed. Largescale meteorological conditions and three-dimensional structures associated with ten meso- convective cloud clusters over western China are mainly studied. It is shown that they are characterized as subtropical monsoon cloud clusters. The evolutions of convective clusters through east slope of Tibetan Plateau and their environmental conditions of continuative development in the moving eastforward are discussed.


