
A Review of the Nowcasting over the World

  • 摘要: 本文主要介绍70年代以来由于计算机的发展及新的探测手段,尤其是遥感技术的发展,使短时预报工作在一些国家很迅速发展的情况。文章着重介绍了美国等国家在中小尺度系统的短时预报方面的工作、今后5—10年的一些打算及目前以及90年代中将出现的问题。文章在回顾了我国开展短时预报的情况后,介绍了80年代以来我国短时预报工作的进展,着重介绍了正在建设中的珠江三角洲、长江三角洲、京津冀、长江中上游四个基地建立短时预报工作站、探测网、通信网及强对流天气的分析研究及临近预报的情况。


    Abstract: This paper mainly presents the rapid development of short range weather forecast in some countries with the development of computer and new sounding measures, especially the remote sensing technique since the 1970s. The paper puts emphasis on the short range weather forecast for meso-small scale systems, some plans in 5—10 years and problems at present as well as the coming problems in the mid–1990s in the United States of America and so on. The paper reviews the general aspects of short range weather forecast in China and presents the progress of short range weather forecast in China since the 1980s stressing on the working stations, the sounding networks and the telecommunication networks which have been establishing in the four bases of the Zhujiang Delta, the Yangtze Delta, Jingjinji (Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province) and the middle-upper reaches of Yangtze River, as well as the analysis research on the severe convective weather and nowcasting in these four bases


