
The Study on the Microthermal Weather Process in the Lower Reaches of Yangtze River in Spring and Summer and Sudden Change of Triple-frequency Harmonic

  • 摘要: 本文利用1971—1984年波谱资料及1972—1982年5—7月能谱资料对春、夏季低温天气过程分析后指出,在春、夏两季中,低温天气是经常出现的过程,并且春季以4月最多,夏季以7月出现机率最大;从波能密度谱、动量和角动量输送谱,动量通量辐散谱和IK指数以及波参数经验正交函数展开分析得出,夏季低温过程与3波突变关系十分密切,且3波突变对低温过程出现具有较好的指示意义。


    Abstract: In this paper, the microthermal weather process in spring and summer using wave spectrum data during 1971 to 1984 and energy spectrum data from May to July in 1972 through 1982 has been presented. It shows that the microthermal weather process often occurs in spring and summer, and it occurs most in April of spring and in July of summer. In the light of the analysis of the wave energy density spectrum, transport spectrum of momentum and angular momentum, divergent spectrum of momentum flux and index Ik and EOF expansion, the microthermal weather process in summer is closely related to the sudden change of triple-frequency harmonic. Therefore, sudden change of triple-frequency harmonic is a better indication of the microthermal weather process.


