
A Numerical Experiment of Cloud Seeding in Cumulonimbus

  • 摘要: 本文用一维积雨云双参数模式模拟了福建雨季一块发展强度中等、云底较暖的积雨云自然降水过程,发现该云有两段降水;前段为暖云降水,后段有冰相过程参与。对这块云进行的一系列人工催化数值试验表明,一定方式的冷云催化或暖云催化能使后段降水增加,其效果同催化方式有关,最多可达总降水量的24%。文中对人工催化这类积雨云的增雨机制进行了讨论,得到了一些有益的启示。


    Abstract: A Cumulonimbus cloud with moderate intensity and a warm cloud base has been simulated by sing a dual-parameter cumulonimbus cloud model in the rainy season in Fujian. It is shown that the cloud precipitation process has two phases, the first one is a warm-rain process and the second with ice phase process. A series of numerical experiments of cloud seeding show that iceseeding or large droplet seeding cloud enhance the precipitation in the second phase. The effect of precipitation enhancement is concerned with the seeding pattern, the maximum can reach 24% of the total precipitation. In this paper, the mechanism of precipitation enhancement is also discussed.


