北半球500hPa 3—5年周期的初步研究

A Preliminary Study of 3—5 Year Cycle over 500 hPa Height Field in the Northern Hemisphere

  • 摘要: 本文用带通时间滤波器,对北半球500hPa高度距平(从1951年1月—1986年12月共432个连续月)的每个格点的时间序列进行滤波计算,初步结果如下:1.北半球500 hPa普遍存在3—5年周期,该周期的相对方差都在30%以上。35°N以南相对方差可达50%以上,在太平洋、大西洋、欧亚低纬地区最大相对方差高于70%。2.3—5年周期的水平结构要比Wallace的遥相关型更具有波列结构,通过波列的射线路径可以把能量从低纬度频散到高纬度。3.从分析1982/1983 El Nino年个例可以看到,赤道东太平洋海水异常增暖对大气的影响,除了一般公认的通过PNA型影响北美外,可能还存在另一条路径。


    Abstract: In the paper, the time series of 500 hPa height departure field from Jannary 1951 to December 1986 are calculated by using a band-pass filter at all grid points in the northern Hemisphere. The preliminary results are as follows: ① There exists a 3—5 year cycle for 500 hPa height field in the northern Hemisphere. The relative variance are over 30% in the northern Hemisphere and 50% to the south of 35oN latitude. The maximun relative variances in the Pacific, Atlantic and Eurasia low latitute area are more than 70%. ② The 3—5 year cycle is provided with more obvious construction of wavetrain than wallace’s teleconnection types. The atmospheric encrgy is transferred by dispersing from low latitude to high latitude along ray path of the wavetrains. ③ From the filtered 500 hPa height departure field during 1982/1983 El Nino event, it is found that in response of atmospheric circulation to the tropical Pacific SST anomaly forcing, there may be another path, in addition to the PNA teleconnection type.


