
The Latest Test Results of Photosynthetically Active Radiation

  • 摘要: 通过成都、昆明、广州等地生长季节内对总日射(Q)和光合有效辐射(QPAR)的长期连续自动同步观测发现,以小时累计量为基础的QPAR/Q比值仍比较稳定,季节、云量以及太阳高度的日变化对其影响不大。这与我们以前在华北平原的研究结论是一致的。并有随纬度降低而略增的趋势。


    Abstract: In light of the long term continuous automatic synchronous observations of global solar radiation (Q) and the photosynthetically active radiation (QPAR) during the growth seasons in Chengdu, Kuming and Guangzhou, it is found that the QPAR/Q ratio based on hourly accumulative radiation is almost a constant and that the season, cloud amount and diurnal variation of sun’s altitude have not any obvious influence on the ratio. This result is consistent with the previous research conclusion drawn from that in the North China Plain. It seems that the ratio would increase with the latitude getting low


