
Quality of the Weather Forecasting and the Predictive Evaluation in the United States

  • 摘要: 本文介绍美国天气预报的效果与对预报的估价。根据检验美国国家天气局从1967年到1985年逐日天气预报的效果表明,目前的预报水平明显高于15到20年前的预报水平。特别是客观预报效果明显的提高是值得引起注意的。预报的估价是一个很复杂的问题。本文主要介绍了美国的气象预报正确与否的得失估价及给经济带来获益或损失的经济评价工作。


    Abstract: The quality and effect of the weather forecasting and the predictive evaluation in the United States are introduced in this paper. It is shown that the present forecasting level is higher than that 15—20 years ago according to the test for the qualities of the day-to-day weather forecasts (1967—1985) in the U. S. National Weather Service. Especially. It is worth to notice that the level of the objective weather forecasts has been raised significantly, it is worth to notice that the level of the objective weather forecasts has been raised significantly. It is a complex problem with the predictive evaluations. The gain-loss value in response to ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for weather forecasts and its economic evaluation to the U. S. are summarized and discussed


