
Cold Surges over the Nansha Sea Area During the Spring of 1988

  • 摘要: 本文是对1988年南沙群岛海区2—4月的船舶观测资料进行分析,目的是揭示冷涌对南沙海区的影响特点。一、资料及规定本文所用的船舶观测资料是对洋面上定点观测得到的。观测点在北纬9°32′23″,东经112°52′56″,位于开阔洋面,周围无高出水面的障碍物。观测时间为08—20时每三小时一


    Abstract: In the paper, the ship observation data over the Nansha Island sea area during February—April 1988 are analysed. It is shown that there are 16 cold surge processes over the area. Also, the influence of cold surges on the weather over the sea surface are presented.


