
Reconstruction of the 18th Century Summer Monthly Precipitation Series of Nanjing, Suzhou and Hangzhou Using “Clear and Rain Records” of Qing Dynasty

  • 摘要: 本文试用中国清代天气记录《晴雨录》资料复原南京、苏州、杭州三地18世纪期间夏季(6—8月)和5、6、7、8各月份的逐年降水量序列。文中介绍了这份古代气象资料的特点和对它作数值编码处理的方法;详述了将这种文字记述资料换算成月降水量值的步骤及其科学依据;并对所获得的降水量序列的可信性作了初步对比与讨论。


    Abstract: In this paper the Qing weather records “Clear and Rain Records” were used to reconstruct the 18th century summer (June—August) precipitation and monthly precipitation series of May—August for Nanjing, Suzhou and Hangzhou. The nature of these records and the technique of transforming them into numerical codes are described. The procedure of converting these descriptive records into quantitative monthly precipitation and its scientific basis are given in detail. The reliability of the precipitation series obtained is also examined.


